Posits Proving Deity By the end of this read, a logical human being should at least be compelled to search for God honestly and fully.
The Seven Posits of Possibility
1. It can NEVER be empirically proven that there is or is not a God (who is SUPERnatural) for the fact that empirical science deals exclusively with describing the quantifiable in the natural world.
2. This truth alone is not enough to disprove God or merit enough weight to logically and definitively reject His existence for there are many other concepts that are held true and existent that can neither be empirically proven nor are physically palpable in our physical world (i.e. the mind cannot be empirically substantiated, there is no value that can be given to equate and substantiate moral truths, and abstract objects are also not able to be materially defined)
3. Humans establish our definition of this world by investigating matters, starting from observation to possibility to increasing statistical probability to the acceptance of truth at a universally accepted, yet ultimately arbitrary point (observation --> hypothesis --> theory --> law) and not absolute (perfect) truth.
a. This is because we as humans have yet to experience enough of anything to say that we know all of everything, and our entire existence and growth as a species can only be and is best defined through including these progressive revelations about this universe and their application to our civil structure.
4. These series of revelations that allow us to refine our civility show a general trajectory towards “something”.
a. A better way b. A higher virtue c. A greater truth d. A something that we cannot deny for the fortitude of its existence e. I will define it as absolute truth; the condition of omniscience.
5. From our vantage point in the universe, that which is unknown and how much is still unknown cannot possibly be described beyond the scope of sheer speculation.
6. The investigation of that speculation (science) is, ultimately, what has been the crux of human discovery, growth and concurrent "civilized maturity".
7. It is thus impossible to logically say that because one has not uncovered any proof then God does not exist (equally said about all things anyone observes in this universe, like atoms being declared at one time to be the smallest units… then subatomic particles…, etc)
CONCLUSION ONE: AT THE VERY BEST, a logical being must at least concede that there MIGHT be a God and, if a proponent of science at all, should be compelled to look for clues and evidences that support or debunk His existence.
The Nine Posits of Probability
8. Since there is a possibility of God existing, one must analyze that possibility primarily for evidence of God’s existence before analyzing the assumed character of said God for contradictions (the impossibility to fully understand the character of God may need to be explained here).
a. There is a distinction between verifying the existence of an entity and analyzing possible contradictions within an entity’s character (these are two different arguments). b. Human perception is not equipped to perfectly judge the character of even another human, let alone Divine Deity.
i. One individual’s perception of an un-virtuous action may very well be expressed, but because man is unable to immediately see the reasoning behind an action, our perceptions of what was or wasn’t virtuous may be ill-drawn. (one individual shooting another may be perceived as wrong if it is not known that the “victim” was about to do much damage through detonating a functional replica of the tsar bomb in a heavily populated metropolis. [A distinction between bad and wrong may need to be made here. HINT: See my 1st
blog entry if you would like my take on the difference]) ii. Even if God had qualities that seem to contradict possibility in this reality (e.g. a "square circle" principle), man is not in position to rightly and objectively judge them for Deity would be transcendent of the reality He created and man can only reason from the current reality in which we exist. (For instance, it is conceivable that there be a reality in which there are two temporal dimensions. In such a realm, it becomes possible for a “square circle” to exist.)
9. If one accepts historical accounts as generally genuine accounts and not fabricated stories given by ancient civilizations, then historical accounts from those civilizations ought to carry compelling weight as to the unfolding of humanity’s past (historical evidence).
10. The historical evidence (i.e. accounts of things that actually happened like royal records, trial dockets, election history, etc.) of ancient civilizations is held as verifiable accounts that tell a story (held as true) of what occurred before our present, perceivable time.
11. Evidence for the existence of any being could only be substantiated through historical evidence from accurate sources.
a. A Divine Being transcendent of the reality in which history is written must be consistently and non-contradictantly evident throughout history; not simply and only existing for a moment in history.
12. The more historical evidence for a being is amassed the more likely it is that the being existed
13. If there is a Divine Being who created all things with a desire to relate to and make Himself known to humanity, He would have to leave a historical imprint so large that it endures the fullness of the age to all mankind.
14. Because the Divine Being I argue for (Judeo-Christian-Muslim God) is transcendent of reality, endures throughout time, and revealed Himself to a people (Adamic Lineage, i.e. Israelites), a historical parallel of what He told them and what was historically recorded by other civilizations (Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, etc.) should exist.
15. These parallels do exist in massive amounts not only as ancient Hebrew writings, but also as historical documents from other civilizations that parallel occurrences in the Bible.
a. No other Deity in the world carries this amount and type of evidence
16. The more historical evidence for the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God is amassed the more likely it is that the He exists
CONCLUSION TWO: Because of historical evidence alone, a logical being MUST move from the established point of possibility towards the acceptance of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God’s existence as truth along the sliding scale of probability.
The Posit of Acceptance
17. This point cannot be universally accepted or definitively defined solely because of the topic of the matter, a God who seeks a PERSONAL relationship with each man, presents Himself to each man who seeks Him for relationship sake. Thus the point at which each man accepts God as true is a matter of each individual’s heart.
a. This requires that each man honestly search for relationship’s sake (not the desire to become intellectually satiated, but a desire to have a relationship with God if God exists) and then become convinced in his own heart through that revelatory experience. b. This also implies that each logical man ought to do due diligence to find Truth before utterly rejecting the possibility of God (go see the tombs, read the ancient scrolls and records of numerous civilizations and compare it to the Bible, earnestly pray, etc.). ASIDE: Since it is conclusive that it is at least probable that the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God exists, and the point at which each person accepts God’s existence as truth varies. I will assume that from this point forward that point has been reached for the reader.
The Fourteen Posits of Separation and Reconciliation (a Messiah)
a. This is the definition of God, the entity in which not greater manifestation of perfection or power exists (whether conceivable or inconceivable from the human perspective)
19. It is understood that we as humans are not absolutely perfect or powerful
20. Two beings, one absolutely perfect and capable and another imperfect and incapable, cannot enter into a perfectly united relationship unless they be in the same state (harmonious), i.e. the One who is able to make the imperfect become perfect, does so.
SUB-CONCLUSION ONE: Perfection and Imperfection are two disharmonious and mutually exclusive states.
21. Man cannot achieve the state of perfection on his own, for we are flawed, and will eventually fall short of the consistent and infallible tendency of perfection.
a. The Old Testament illustrates this well.
22. Love is an attribute that can conceivably be perfect (i.e. DIVINE, INFINITE LOVE - unconditional, unmerited, unlimited, etc.) or imperfect (MORTAL, FINITE LOVE – conditional, temporal, unstable, etc.).
23. Love is an attribute that directly prefers unity over disconnection; reconciliation over divorce; etc.
24. The nature of absolute perfection and power demands absolute and perfect love to be an inalienable attribute of God’s actions (God is perfect, all-encompassing Love).
25. God, being absolutely perfect and expressing the perfect form of the attribute of love, is compelled to prefer unity and reconciliation with man over disconnection and divorce.
SUB-CONCLUSION TWO: God, being absolutely perfect, absolutely powerful, and the perfect and highest form of love, is compelled to make a perfect Way for man to enter into His state of Perfection and become harmoniously united and reconciled with Him.
26. Justice is an attribute that can conceivably be perfect or imperfect.
27. Justice, whether perfect or imperfect, is an attribute that must be exercised by all conscious, living beings at some point.
28. The nature of absolute perfection and power demands absolute and perfect justice to be an inalienable attribute of God’s actions (God is perfectly just).
29. Some people willingly live imperfectly and manipulate imperfect attributes (i.e. lying [the imperfection of truth], etc.) to create illegitimate gains for their existence in this world.
30. God, therefore, cannot justly “pardon” everyone into the absolutely perfect and powerful state.
31. God’s love, however, compels Him to prefer that mankind return to Him which would require a perfect Way to make the imperfect, perfect again.
CONCLUSION THREE: Giving us a perfect Way is the only logical and just outcome from a Being that is perfect (i.e. perfectly just) and is relating to beings that are imperfect in a way that allows reconciliation and harmony.
The Seven Posits of Jesus Christ (the Identity of the Way)
32. This Way must be perfect and independent of mortal flaws, yet also simultaneously and inextricably connected to the mortal condition (a perfect link between the Perfect and Imperfect states).
33. In order to perfectly link mortal man with immortal divine God, this Way must transcend all human experiences such that no mortal condition transcends the Way (including death).
a. Following this Way back to God must transcend all actions by and conditions of the follower
34. This Way must make Himself known to all humanity and make Himself available to all humanity without bias or preference.
a. But not force Himself upon any man, but rather wait for willing invitation into each man’s heart.
35. Man’s reconciliation cannot rest simply on knowing this Way, but on forsaking one’s own way and completely devoting oneself to this Higher and Transcendent Way such that the Way given becomes the way of that individual.
36. The requirements of this Way cannot exceed what man is able to give.
37. The Way must fulfill the biblical prophecies which describe Him.
38. There is One who existed who fulfills all of these requirements a. Jesus Christ
CONCLUSION FOUR: Jesus Christ is the Way given by which man may receive passage back into the Perfect State and reunite with the Creator (God). Without this way, upon death, every imperfect being must be separated from God (perfect being).